Monday, August 3, 2015

No Shades of Grey Here!!!

Lots of things aren’t black and white….there are MORE than fifty shades of grey, amirite??!? BUT, there are also lots of things in this world that are completely black and white to me. One of those things is the acceptance of the LGBTQ community.

As with any social “issue” (I put that in quotations because it really is not, and should never be, an ISSUE), there are a bazillion sides to the coin. I really do try to put myself in other people’s shoes to better understand what different people see in this “issue.” And you know what? I think I can see WHY plenty of people turn their backs to the idea of embracing everyone, or why people simply turn a blind eye to it all. The thing is, no matter what shoes I put myself in….jelly sandals, those shoes with the wheels……. it all boils down to misunderstanding. They have closed their mind to the FACT that lots of people in this world find true happiness by waking up in the morning and seeing someone next to them who just happens to NOT be the opposite sex all the time.

The “issue” of complete equality for the LGBTQ community is probably the only political and social hot water topic that, deep down with every fiber of my existence, I believe is a black and white answer. Once again, like I said in a previous blog post, I am absolutely not trying to march around on my little soap box…I just think about this stuff a lot and I'll explode if I don't write it all out somewhere...

Every good movie boils down to the themes of love and fear. These two themes hit us right in the FEELS -  you know why? Because as human beings, we ALL want to find love. Whether it’s friends, family, our better halves, LOVE always gets us all feeling some sorta way.  So why deny ANYONE that opportunity for love? For those of us who find true love with someone of the opposite sex, we will never TRULY understand what it’s like for LGBTQ folks. But that is the exact reason why we need to try our hardest to remember that they just want love too. And their love is JUST AS REAL as ours. And guess what? They are some of the coolest people I know.


RAE-nbows FOR LIFE!!! bahaha



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