Thursday, August 20, 2015

Online Haters

Anyone who creates content to put online is putting themselves out there - any person can view their stuff and form an opinion about it. I do it too! I go down YouTube black holes all the time until I'm watching rabbits bouncing on trampolines....:P Every single person on this earth has the right to their own opinion about what they see on the internet. Today, I want to address the internet HATERZ. 

Y U Hate So MUCH???

I mean, there are plenty of times when I watch a well-thought-out video or read a nicely written blog post, but still completely disagree with the content. Sometimes I think the content is straight-up dumb, but you know what? My life goes on. I click off of it and move on to the next potentially time-wasting video. If I feel strongly about something, then I will really think about the creator/writer's intentions and why I personally think it has affected me in that way. My response is something constructive and addresses multiple sides of what could be going on there.

I follow a lot of Youtube creators who constantly are bombarded with haters who comment on their videos behind the veil of anonymity and harshly judge every aspect of their lives. People can be so cruel online and they express their opinions in the most devastatingly demeaning and judgmental ways. WHAT'S THE POINT??? These are human beings you are talking about, and chances are, they are reading your comments! If you don't like something they are creating online, then click away and move on!! Or at least think about why you don't like something and form a constructive response for them to consider for future content. 

You just never know what's going on in someone else's life, and you never know if they are close to their tipping point, even if they appear to share their entire lives online. You don't want to be that last straw. Cyber bullying, man. That is a whole 'nother subject in itself...



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