Thursday, August 13, 2015

Just Logistics or Male Privilege?

In today's newspaper, there was a short article about a police officer arrested after breaking and entering and assault in Charlotte. He was released on a $2,000 bond and is now on paid administrative leave and under investigation. 

He is on paid administrative leave. He is being paid. This was a short article and I'm sure there are details that have been left out, but it seems that Officer Jamerson was definitely found guilty of the charges, and the victim of assault shows evidence of it. So why is he still being paid? Doubtless, there are logistics and official investigations required before he is fired, but during this time period, I don't think he should still have a salary. 

What would happen if the officer was female? If the victim was male? I have no idea what the stats are for police officer assault based on gender, but I'd venture a guess that if the victim was male, the case would be taken more seriously--if only subconsciously. 

This made my friend and me angry. 

Rant over. :) Here's a picture of a monkey at Shoushan Mountain in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 

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