Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Sweaty bizness

There are plenty of days when I just want to skip my workout – I’m too tired or I want to browse the internet or (most of the time) I just REALLY don’t want to do anything. But, I know that exercising and working up a sweat always makes me feel better, and it’s not even mostly physical. The most gainz I get are in my mind – it seriously helps dissolve stress, and makes me focus more when I need to.

I’ve never been opposed to exercise, but I really started running and working out on my own in high school and have not stopped since. Back then, I did it because I didn’t want to be a weakling – I wanted to be able to carry my own heavy luggage and run away from bad guys if I ever needed to!! Nowadays, years later, it’s just part of my day. Every night, I think about when I can fit in a workout the next day (even if it’s just a short walk or some sit-ups), and I commit to it. That way, I can figure out if I need to wake up early for a bright-n-early run! Yes, sometimes it’s so hard to get myself going. But since I’ve already committed to it, I never want to let myself down.

I’m definitely not a fitness junkie or anything, even though it can seem like that. I’ve just realized throughout the years that if I don’t exercise for a couple days, I start letting little teeny things get me upset and I crawl into a little hole of isolation. It’s crazy how exercise can lift me up. I don’t know how it works, but I know it works for me!!!

So this is what I say to people who don’t like to do it – there are FEW PEOPLE who enjoy working out all the time. But once you establish it as a part of your routine and hold yourself accountable for it, it’s kind of euphoric. Buy some cute workout clothes and some bomb ass shoes!!!  Find some pumpin music or watch Netflix! I’ve found that watching American Ninja Warrior is awesome motivation… :)

Alright well hopefully my little rant about exercise wasn’t too annoying.



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