Monday, September 21, 2015

Them Flying Machines Tho

This weekend I went to the Winston Salem Air Show with my dad! Ever since RL and I were little, our dad always liked showing us all different kinds of airplanes, which fueled (get it?? FUELED?) our interest in jets and fighters and bombers and the like.

I have nothing much else to say about it except it was cool to see all the historical planes and modern jets in the air and on the ground. Dad has a surprisingly broad knowledge of airplanes and jets that spans their specific names to their individual functions. But yes, the weather was very nice, albeit quite warm. I am now sporting a distinct flip-flop tan on my feet.

Fighters from WWII oooh la la
3 stunt planes flipping around all over the place
Czechoslovakian jet coming in for parking...wish I could get a video of this from the point of view of the guy in red
Cheeky little selfie with dad on Snapchat!! ( Speaking of which...follow me: @raeyao) teehee

After standing on the tarmac in the sun for over 3 hours, we finally got to see the Harrier do its short takeoff and VERTICAL LANDING. Which was awesome. I don't have pictures of it doing all that because I was occupied with taking videos. I have no idea how to get them from my phone to this blog. SORRY!!!!

Tooooooodle loo!


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