Monday, September 14, 2015

Keeping Up...

…with old friends. Did you think I would talk about the Kardashians again? Sadly, I probably keep up more with them than my old friends. And that’s the saddest thing I think I have ever said.
Keeping up with old friends is a skill, I’d say. As a kid, I had some amazing best friends who I played with every single day. Then, middle school came and I met new people and new best friends while keeping my old ones. High school – same thing. But once college happened, people who were once never more than a 5-minute drive away suddenly moved to places where spontaneous trips to the muddy creek were not as feasible anymore.

There is something about childhood BEST friends that make them best friends for life. They’ve hung out with you through ALL the awkward stages of growing up and still managed to love you anyway (And no, I will not be providing pics of those times). They know all the good hiding spots in your house and have seen how embarrassing your parents can be, and that will never go away. As a “real adult” though, it can be so easy to get so caught up in the hullaballoo of life that keeping up with those people gets stuck on the backburner forever.

Yesterday I got to hang out with a girl who was one of my main sidekicks since way before the turn of the millennium. We grew up together and went to all the same schools together until she moved a little over an hour away for college. Since then, I can count the number of times I’ve seen her on one hand.  But when we finally got to spend time together again, it was so fun to continue that parallel timeline we have together and make sure they don’t diverge too far again. It made me realize how awesome it is to keep in touch with old friends whose presence was vital to who I am today.  

My goal is to keep up with my dearest friends more than I do with the Kardashians…….can I get a cheers to that?!?!?

Toodle doodle,

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