Monday, July 27, 2015


If you're reading this, you probably know that TaeKwonDo was a pretty significant part of my life growing up in Winston-Salem. The TKD school was a place where I found an incredible family that grew alongside me and achieved amazing things with me. 

When I went to college, I found another family in the TKD club at Wake. It was a great group of people, albeit a small group, but I loved every single person there. I loved that I could not only continue doing a martial art that I enjoy and find comfort in, but I could also hang out with some fun people, especially when I was still a little bit lost in the first year. 

NOW that I'm on my own and trying out this "real life" ordeal, I knew that I would again find solace in another "TaeKwonDo family." Once I realized that I would have to move away from Winston Salem, I knew that TaeKwonDo would be the way to get my roots down into my new city. And I wasn't wrong! I found a little place called Olympic TaeKwonDo, where they embraced me with wide-open arms. I am so happy to be a student again and so excited that my new TaeKwonDo family is challenging me every single day. I've already had days and days of sore muscles, frustrating training sessions, and bruises from sparring. I'm loving it and can't wait to keep learning and refining everything I know.

My beautiful new uniform with my name stitched in it! Now I HAVE to stay!!! :)

Feeling so lucky to have found a place like this where I can feel at home!!

So yes, I'm so glad my mom forced me to go to my first TKD class when I was in fourth grade, because it has given me so many opportunities outside of the martial art itself. For any kids out there, never give up on your hobbies!!! Because those hobbies will help you find family wherever you go in the future (and help you fight boredom when you go home after work...)



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