Tuesday, July 14, 2015


You're probably wondering: Why zebra butts? I say: yes.

Welcome to The Daily RaePort!!!!! Since I moved out recently, I figured it would be fun to share a blog with my sister. We both frequently have things to say to the world. And sometimes, those things are valuable to some people. More likely, it's something to read while you sit on the toilet every morning. Or evening. I won't judge your bowel patterns. 

But even about butts and bowels. Before we get into the meat of this blog, I thought I'd share some pictures of us for your convenience and reference. So here we go. 

                       Filtered in black and white to intensify our fairly average poses

I don't remember carrying that large of a backpack in Paris. Did I? I don't know.

We have shockingly (or not shockingly) high tolerance for getting strange looks from bystanders in public.

I'm so good at selfies that I've managed to make my arm the central focus of this picture.

Further proof that selfies are not exactly my forte

So there's a look into the two authors of this blog. Come back for more bits and bobs and you won't be disappointed most of the time! Or some of the time! Trying to keep the expectations low so all we can do is EXCEED THEM!

Thanks for reading this overture to this symphony of a blog. Yes, I did just make that metaphor. 

Why doesn't this blog thing have emojis?



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