Saturday, July 25, 2015

Help I don't know what to do with my life now

The program I was working with just ended, like at noon today. And so I drove an airport shuttle and then we had late lunch with our staff and then I moved out of my room and now I'm home and I don't know what to do now help

Literally every day for the past 3 1/2 weeks was a packed schedule from 8 AM to 11:30 PM. (Okay I wasn't required to go to everything but I felt that if the kids had to, I should be there, so I did :P) And now, I have until noon tomorrow to just relax but I feel like I'm being so unproductive....

Tomorrow, I'm starting work (volunteer work) again with the same office that led LENS (the Center for Global Programs and Studies) for another three week program for incoming international students. I'm driving the first airport shuttle, so even though I don't even officially work for the program I'll be the first face they see O_o This program, though, is thankfully much less packed (for me, at least) than LENS. I won't have to be at every single class (although knowing me, I will make an effort to be "present" for the students) and there are a lot more outings so the students can see American culture. 

I AM EXHAUSTED but feeling very satisfied with life, like I made a difference in some of the kids' lives :) some of them have such intense life stories and are so much more mature than most high schoolers because their experiences forced them to be, and I love them all for it. I also met a lot of cool people in our staff along the way (most of which I'll see tomorrow since I'm working with them again :P)! Best summer break accomplishment :D well, that and getting an A in Cell Bio in summer school ;)

1 comment:

  1. We just hosted a student from Spain for a month. It was the coolest thing.
