Wednesday, July 15, 2015

***Music is MAGIC***

Years and years ago, RL and I played music with a little trio called the "Asian Sensation." Yes, isn't that name painfully accurate? :) Our goal was to bring happiness to people through our instruments, and share our music with people who didn't necessarily get to experience classical music often. Our motto was "Music is magic." Well, back then, I enjoyed playing music for the most part, but I don't think I really FELT it. I didn't TRULY understand our motto. I played music because I knew I was decent at it and because my mom told me to....

Since then, I've realized how true that motto really is. Speaking from solely a classical musician's standpoint here, music really has brought magic to my life. It means even more when I get to be the person actually creating that music and filling the air around me with sounds I can enjoy. 

BUT, what means EVEN MORE to me is when I get to create music with a group of people whom I respect and love so dearly. You know who you are. When I sit down with someone (or some people) whom I can connect with on not just a musical level, but on an emotional level, the music we make is beyond magical. I'm not sure I can even explain it. It is an incredible feeling to be able to sit down with other human being(s) and know exactly what they are thinking, feeling, and what they are about to do next. When this happens, music is not a chore. Nor is it a job. It becomes an adventure, where I get to form bonds with other people without having to utter a single word. 

The easiest comparison I can think of is sports. You can always tell when every member of a basketball team connects with each other on a deeper level than just the sport itself. Each play seems so effortless, and it looks like they are almost telepathic. Even when something unexpected happens, the team bounces back together without having to individually outline a new plan. And every single player is vital to the interweaving harmony of the whole. 

I'm just writing all of this because within the last several years, I think I've found the meaning behind Asian Sensation's old motto. I don't know if I conveyed it perfectly in this post, but I hope it makes some sort of sense. When I truly connect with other musicians on that level, it makes for some of the most magical moments in the world to me. I'm just so glad that I am lucky enough to have had those moments and I crave that feeling every single day. 

Cheers to music, guys. 

Toodles for now,


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