Friday, October 16, 2015

Brunch: A RAE-view

Maybe I'll make this RAE-view thing a recurring thing. Read my first RAE-view HERE.

Today I rant about my view on the idea of brunch. Breakfast + Lunch = Brunch. Here we go..

If we eat a meal between the flexible hours of 10am and 2pm (mostly on weekends only), then we call it brunch. BUT WHY????!!! If it’s your first meal of the day, then it’s breakfast! Or you can just say you skipped breakfast and call it lunch! WHY MUST WE HAVE ANOTHER NAME FOR IT?

The idea of brunch is nice – you get together with people you hopefully like a lot, drink mimosas, have a meal, and laugh about the tomfoolery from the night before. But the diverse menu ranges from syrup-soaked pancakes to overflowing pastrami sandwiches. I mean, IHOP sells steak at all hours of the day soo…..if you want steak for breakfast, then I would say that it is still breakfast. I’ve had “brunch” at 10am, noon, 3pm…I feel like it’s a word we use to label that random meal on weekends when we’ve woken up too late in the day to feel good about calling it breakfast.

IT’S BREAKFAST, YA’LL. Or lunch. But I’m not judging. I’ve been pulled into quite a few brunches in my day and I can’t complain. It’s fun and delicious. But when I think of the word “brunch,” I just think of sundress-clad ladies with teacup pigs drinking breakfast champagne with their pinkies up. Maybe I pretend to be too avant-garde for that. Or is brunch avant-garde? I dunno.

Toodley doodley,

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