Thursday, October 15, 2015

Growing Up Up and Away

A lot of children can’t wait for the day they get to move out of their parents’ home and live all by themselves. What an independent life, right? They will get to do whatever they want, watch the amount of tv they want, and go to bed whenever they want.

First of all, the usual night for me includes going to bed by 9pm on my own accord. So no issue there.

But also, I’ve found that moving out and being a “real adult” is not all that it is cracked up to be. There lots of bills to pay. Dishes to wash. Floors to sweep.

What I really don’t think is that fun is living alone. I have several roommates right now, so that’s not really a problem for me. But sometimes when my roommates are gone for an extended period of time, it starts to get a little too quiet around the place. I’m so used to living with my family and living with roommates in college, so my ears are so accustomed to kitchen pots clanging around and multiple televisions blaring noise all the time. When I have a whole house/apartment to myself, it is so freeing during the first little etchling of time – I can finally wander around with no pants on and eat a whole pizza without fear of judgment.

But then I cross a threshold of time when I begin hearing all the creaking of wood settling and it gets strangely silent. I’m not saying that I get freaked out or afraid, but I guess I just become overly aware of the solitude. It becomes strange that I am the only thing there that makes the background noise that I am so used to. I don’t even know where I am going with this blog post, but it’s just an observation and a conversation topic that I had with a co-worker today during my ROUTINE SNACK BREAK IN THE KITCHEN (refer back to this blog post about that!!).



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