Sunday, November 8, 2015

Road Trip!

Ok so we usually don't post about our activities on here (except I do when I'm in Taiwan! Check out my blogs from Taiwan here and here, I'm fun hehe), but yesterday I went to Concord Mills in Charlotte with my friends and it was funnnn

Actually, the reason I had to go was because my school's Global Programs and Studies (GPS) office offered this trip to my school's international students, and didn't have someone to drive the van there, so I got roped into doing it :P so then my whole suite decided to go so we could hang out and see cool stuff. 

Anyway, I drove the school's very bumpy 12-passenger van an hour and a half to Charlotte, following our friend/coworker, who for some reason took us through some residential areas, which lengthened the drive by at least ten minutes....

First thing we do upon arrival--EAT. Then we walked around the mall and went to all the stores that Hanes Mall does not have (i.e. most of the stores there, like the arcade, Michael Kors, chocolate store, etc.). We were there for FIVE HOURS and almost ran out of time to see everything.

Memorable moments:

1) At the arcade, we were looking at the prizes we could win when an old man randomly ran into the arcade to tell my friend "You look gorgeous," and then just left. 

2) In the same arcade, not 2 minutes later, the person working at the prize desk leans over and says, "want to hear something funny?" 
Me: "Sure...?"
Him: "Guess my age."
Me: "17? 25?"
Him: "Nope, 20, turning 21 in May." 
Me: "Haha really? You don't look it."
Him: "Yeah most people say that. Anyway, enjoy your time here."

Later, when we go to redeem the tickets we won, he pretends to bump into me and then apologizes.
Him: *shakes my hand* "I'm ____ (left out for privacy). What's your name? By the way, you look really familiar."
Me: "I doubt you've seen me before, we're from Winston."
Him: "Well, I was there recently visiting a friend, maybe I saw you in passing."
Me: "Yeah, maybe."
Him: "Haha yeah. Well, my name is _____ and maybe you can come back to visit."

................Okay last time I was hit on, it was also in Charlotte. What is with Charlotte and being hit on?

3) My friends drove separately (in her personal car) because the van I was driving was full. One of my friends and I left first, to get the students back in time, while my other friends went to get ice cream. Right after we pull out of the parking lot in the van, she calls me.

She couldn't find her car...the parking lot we parked in was outside around a corner from an obscure door by the movie theater. My friend helped her find it over the phone, and it took literally 30 minutes. I do not understand....

Overall a long, tiring, but amusing day ;)

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