Friday, November 6, 2015

Plant Nanny: A RAE-view

Here's a new RAEview, by younger Rae for once! My friends and I have recently gotten into this app called Plant Nanny. It's free on iPhone and Android! and helps you track water intake by watering a cartoon plant (you can choose what species and get more, and they are ALL cute). It also lets you know the suggested amount of water you should drink each day based on your weight and activity level. Of course it doesn't take into account your diet or anything, but it helps you drink the amount of water you should be drinking. If you don't drink enough for a certain number of days in a row, your plant actually dies. And it grows as it levels up! 

So now I stay really well hydrated. It's not super super accurate but it's a fun way to stay healthy :) My friends and I all have different species of plants and we like to compare them when they grow because they're all so adorable :) (Yes we are nerds.)


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