Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Tampon Tax??

If you are uncomfortable with this subject, GOOD. IT NEEDS TO BE SAID. 

Short rant before I return to my mound of homework-- did you now the majority of the USA has a tampon tax? That's right--tampons are considered a "luxury good" and have a tax, because obviously having tampons (and other menstruation products) is a luxury. 

So, just to be clear, women aren't allowed to bleed in public, show pictures of menstrual blood, are told that menstrual blood is disgusting, etc. etc., but the items that will help them hide their blood is given a higher price, because they are a "luxury"? What a double standard.

I do not understand.

Meanwhile, condoms are given out for free to men because sex is also an uncontrollable phenomenon, the tools for which need to be given for free so any negative consequences are avoided. *LEAKING sarcasm*

Someone please help me dismantle the patriarchy. 

Saturday, January 16, 2016

READING RAINBOW's me..... (name that song!!!)

Anyway, it's been a while eh? Work got busy and life got busy. But who am I kidding. I just slightly forgot about this blog. I write in a diary every day so sometimes I forget that this is another medium on which I can share my thoughts.

It's 2016, baby! This year, I actually have a new year's resolution that I am going to try my absolute darndest to keep track of. What is your plan, you say? To read 14 books this year! I love reading; however, I can often be found saying "I should read more" instead of actually putting my money where my mouth is. When I first moved out here for work, I would wake up at 6:30am and get on the stationary bike at the gym and read a book, because it helps me 1. stay awake, and 2. feel like I am killing two birds with one stone by exercising while reading.

This year, Thomas has convinced me to get a GoodReads account, which tracks my reading and recommends books based on what I rate highly. With this app on my phone, it keeps me accountable for what I say I am going to read, as opposed to me just falling off the wagon halfway through the year. I've also tried to choose books that I truly will enjoy, instead of books that society tell me I should read. For instance, I cannot even count the times I have read the first chapter of "Treasure Island" and subsequently falling asleep every time....

I think this resolution to read will be a good one. I am having a good time so far and I even find myself looking forward to sitting down and reading a little bit every evening.

We'll see how the rest of the year goes! Hopefully I can end the year with an awesome list of books I can share with you all!